College Grad Still Living In Your Basement?

It’s been months since your adult child graduated from college and still no job.  He is getting more irritable by the day and you are down to only being able to ask, “Will you be home for dinner?” because anything else will bring on a barrage of accusations about your motives.  If you dare to ask, “What did you do today?” you may very well be met with, “I know you think I sit around all day playing video games but I’m trying! Just leave me alone!”

The reality is, recent college grads are trying but it’s tough out there.  Years ago, I got my first teaching job by dressing in my most professional outfit from TJ Maxx, walking into the district superintendent’s office, resume in hand, and begging his assistant to put my resume on the top of the interview pile for the one available teaching position.  Now, if you walk into anyone’s office with your resume they will immediately have security U-turn you right back out.  Everything is done via computer where your resume is scanned and plucked if you happen to hit on the right keywords.  Nothing is personal anymore, especially in the aftermath of COVID.

Some have the advantage of having parents or family friends who have great contacts. Or, creating a systematic action plan including excel spreadsheets that track who you sent your resume to when you sent it, follow-up dates and outcomes, etc. For those who do not have exceptional organization, pre-planning, and follow-through skills, the best way to get a leg-up on the competition is by hiring a career coach who specializes in recent college graduates and young adults.  Career coaching works because it covers every aspect of the process, including resume development, making viable contacts, interview skills, and follow-up.  Professionalism is a cornerstone of career coaching since colleges generally don’t touch on that.  Coaching encompasses not only how to dress appropriately for an interview and use correct body language, but your online presence as well.  Nothing says I’m-not-ready-to-be-an-adult like Instagram posts of beer-guzzling and tweeting, “I’m still living in my parent’s basement and haven’t shaved in 5 weeks #hatemylife.”

One of the best things about hiring a career coach is it takes the burden off you as a parent.  Now it’s someone else’s job to make sure there is a plan in place and progress is made.  Plus, your child will actually listen to their coach and feel supported, which builds confidence.  Do you know what employers really like?  Confidence!

For more information on career coaching for recent college grads & young adults click here!

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