Meet the Launch Team

Our Adult ADHD Coaches are experts in helping adults who struggle with Executive Function Deficits and ADHD succeed in all aspects of their lives.


For career coaching clients, our Career Coaches are committed to successfully transitioning clients from the lifestyle of a college student to an employed and productive professional in a career that provides inspiration as well as independence.

Administrative Team

Our team (2)

Susan V. Schaefer, M.Ed, M.A.T.

Founder & CEO

Team Pictures

Marissa Niles, M.A.

Director of Operations

Irwin Nussbaum

Irwin Nussbaum, M.S.


Launch Coaches

Coach Hilary

Hilary Ben-Ami, M.S.

Executive Function Coach 

Certified Life Coach

Debby Couture

Debby Couture, M.A.

Executive Function Coach 

Parent Coach

Our team

Celia Lofink, Ph.D., M.Ed.

Lead Career Coach

Career Choice Expert

Our team (3)

Christine Riley, M.A.

Career Coach

Transition from College


Steven Schaefer, M.B.A., C.F.A

Careers in Business Consultant

Launch Coach Experience + Client Matching

At Launch, we pride ourselves on our exceptional team of highly trained, experienced coaches who all hold advanced degrees in education or related fields. Our coaches are selected based on a combination of experience, education, and the ability to connect with clients and build a positive relationship based on trust and support.


Each coach is required to complete the extensive Launch Coach Training and Mentor Program that encompasses current science-based research and strategies proven to increase success in adults who struggle with executive function difficulties. New coaches are paired with a veteran coach who they observe, and they are observed by during coaching sessions. Mentors give guidance and are available to coaches on an ongoing basis.


Coaches are paired with clients based on a number of factors including the pertinent issues of the client and suitable personality traits.

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